Beef Sector, Beef Sector, Let Me In…


All statements are made are “allegedly”. I have provided links, screenshots, and videos so that you can do your own research.

On the cusp of a new Beef Sector adventure to Las Vegas, drama lurks! Most of this drama is exciting, harmless, and will unfold over the next few months until the Vegas trip, which will be held on the weekend of August 23, 2024. However, negative energy has begun to surface with a content creator who attempted to gain notoriety in the Beef Sector by following another content creator around on a cruise ship.

Erica Kelly Vlogs has stated in Ms. Cruiser’s chat that she will be in attendance after Miss Understood mentioned to others in the chat that she would be willing to go to Vegas anytime… and had actually vlogged about her recent trip to Vegas in the previous days. Why is this a bad thing?

Back story…

During the Juicycation cruise event, hosted in 2023 by Dr. J. Wilson and Vivian Jennings, Miss Understood was in attendance with another group “TreeMuCation” which was hosted by Treecey and Miss Understood. Although, to my knowledge, no one was aware of any stalking during the cruise, Miss Understood later made the Beef Sector aware that there had been events that occurred during the cruise that made her feel uncomfortable. Eventually, it was revealed that “Erica Kelly Vlogs”, along with her husband, had been involved in following Miss Understood around on the ship. Her activities, which have been documented by herself and others, include:

  • Taking photos of Miss Understood to “run her numbers up”.
  • Offering to redistribute an unauthorized photo of Miss Understood that she obtained prior to the photo being removed from social media.
  • Uploading a video of Miss Understood that was taken during the cruise without Miss Understood’s knowledge (now on private or members only).
  • Making Miss Understood feel uncomfortable and targeted, causing her to remove her own videos and withdraw from social media for an undisclosed period of time.
  • Threatening or insinuating that she has information on Miss Understood from the cruise. (According to Ms. Cruiser)
  • Knocking on Miss Understood’s stateroom door.
  • Yelling at Miss Understood, then running away, making statements such as “You are lonely and miserable…”.
  • Making videos saying she wanted to fight Miss Understood and that she was going on the trip to stalk her and take photos of her.
  • Was seen following Miss Understood by the elevators and other places.
  • Making Miss Understood feel uncomfortable walking to her stateroom on the cruise ship.

Moving forward…

While there are multiple YouTube channels that have reported on and discussed this situation as it unfolded in the days following the 2023 Carnival Conquest cruise, it doesn’t seem as if there has been any resolution or repercussions for Erica’s actions with the exception of her being shunned and ignored by various content creators. Miss Understood had stated that she intended to report the incident to Carnival, but the outcome of that report is unknown.

Hopefully, the content creators in the Beef Sector discourage attendance at meet & greet events by those who have demonstrated the desire and ability to threaten, abuse, or target individuals unprovoked. While the Beef Sector can be a challenging environment, in-person meetups are generally considered a safe space for “food, fellowship, and fun” with a side of shade. Knowing what this individual is capable of should raise a red flag as they announce their intention to go to Vegas in the presence of the person they stalked on the last trip.

Interloper: “Beef Sector, Beef Sector, let me in!”

Beef Sector: ”Not by the hair of our chinny-chin chins!”

Interloper: ”Then I’ll stalk and I’ll follow, and crash your event!”

Beef Sector: ”Bitch the law is for the lawless, you’re not welcome here again.”

Video where Erica Kelly Vlogs makes an appearance and admits to following Miss Understood around on the ship [ link ]:

Additional Videos…

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